
Sunday, December 18, 2011

Pantry reorganization

So I'm a little behind on blog posts. Friday I was down for the count with an extremely bad headache. We even had to leave J's school Christmas party early because I thought I was going to get sick there! Saturday we were busy visiting friends all day for the holidays. And that brings us to today, Sunday, our relax day. We never do anything very exciting on Sundays, so I decided to post about something I did a few days ago.

The pantry in this house drives me crazy. It's the smallest pantry I've ever had. It's almost like it was an after thought - oops we forgot the pantry, so we'll just squeeze one in right here. The shelves are only 7"deep and there's all this extra space at the bottom that doesn't get utilized very well. So I decided to reorganize.

 I took almost everything out of the pantry and rearranged the shelves. I bought a shelf unit from Amazon to use at the bottom. It just fits, but it utilizes all the space just like I wanted!

I'm working on lots of fun projects for the holidays, but I can't share them yet as I don't want to ruin the surprises. Make sure you check back to see what I am making!

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