
Monday, August 13, 2012

My baby is 3!

M is 3 years old today! I can't believe my boys are growing up. Don't get me wrong, I'm super happy they are getting more independent everyday, but I do love that M still wants to snuggle with me all the time. All too soon, he will be over snuggling with mommy. :)

Today we went to the park with friends for M's birthday. He LOVES to swing. He would swing the entire time if I let him. He can't pump himself yet though, so swinging does nothing to get all of his excess energy out! We had a great time at the park with friends. I was worried about getting rained out (I know, a crazy worry for this summer!), but the rain held off and it made it not super hot, which was nice. The boys actually wore jeans!

M requested a Cars party this year. I love making party decorations, so of couse I made them all. I did a simple banner that says "M is 3" (edited for privacy).

I also made this centerpiece using a tin can and scrapbook paper. I used shredded paper to fill the can and taped the cars and sign onto kabob sticks.

I also made cupcake toppers this year, which was my favorite part! They were super simple, but really made the theme complete.

I'm considering starting a home business making party decorations for kids' birthdays. If you are interested, please message me!

1 comment:

  1. Of course he wanted a Cars theme :) The decorations look pretty sweet!
